he loves me…he loves me not


So Jesus reminded me of something the other day, and all I could do was smile!

I was at a college preview weekend this past week, and WOW did Jesus do some cool things. I’ll probably save that for another blog….but anyway; I am looking at a Christian college and one thing I loved so much about last weekend was the time set aside to just worship Jesus with my brothers and sisters in Christ. You know, it’s so cool to be able to go somewhere where you know no one, but yet you still can connect and relate to each other because you have the most important thing in common….Jesus. It’s so neat!

Anywho, during worship one night we were singing the song “How He Loves” and oh my goodness, I was just blown away by the love of our sweet Father.

I don’t know why, but as we were singing the song all I could think about was a flower…I know, so random, and so weird. But, that flower got me thinking back to when I was a little girl. When I was little I would go pick some flowers and sit there picking the petals off saying, “he loves me…he loves me not.” (come on girls, you know you have done it too 😜) You know, sometimes that silly game would leave me feeling pretty worthless and heartbroken. It leaves you doubting and questioning whether that special person loved you or not.

I was reminded as we sang that song that we don’t have to question Jesus’ love for us. We don’t have to sit there picking off the petals asking if he loves us or not. We don’t have to sit there feeling empty, heartbroken, confused, and alone.

The truth is HE LOVES US. And y’all know what the cool thing is? He loves us with ALL his heart. We don’t get pieces of it. We get the whole flower…not just one little petal.

And you know what else?…it gets even better…we don’t get just one flower, we get a whole bouquet of His love. His love is abundant and so unconditional. Wow, I am so thankful!

So if you’re going through a season of doubting Jesus’ love for you….I want you to know that you don’t have to spend another moment picking those petals and asking that question because…

He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.

Rest in His love and enjoy the beauty of it.

much love- Haley Nicole

p.s.- here are the links to some songs that will remind you of Jesus’ unconditional love for you!

“How He Loves”


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