He satisfies


I was talking to a sweet friend tonight and was reminded of the fact that only Jesus can fill the void that we have in us. the longing we have to be fully known and fully loved…you know what I’m talking about?

this picture was taken a couple of days after I got engaged. I do this thing every year where I write a letter to myself and read it a year later at the beginning of the year. in this letter, and so many before I tell myself over and over that my worth DOES NOT come from my relationship with a guy. it comes from Jesus. this is a truth that has been so hard for me to fully live out. it’s one I have constantly had to remind myself of over and over again. Jesus’ love is so much greater. why do I struggle so much to believe this?

the enemy makes it so hard to believe this truth. he whispers lies and tells us that earthly love will satisfy. he is a deceiver. he has been since day one, and he is still on the move to deceive us.

but here is the hard truth. earthly love is far from a satisfying. I’m about to get married, and there are still so many days I feel empty and lonely, and it’s because I’m not letting Jesus fill that void. it doesn’t magically go away like we think it will. satan tries so hard to deceive us and make us think it will, but goodness it doesn’t. this struggle is hard. but it’s hard because what’s at the end of the struggle is something so good and so much sweeter than anything else. this idea that earthly love will fill that void in us is just the enemy trying to hinder us from experiencing the love of Jesus on such a sweet and intimate level.

so, sisters, and brothers who find themselves in this struggle, you are not alone. there’s something so sweet in this struggle. keep your eyes fixed on that. may we let our sweet Father satisfy every longing and desire that we have.

Isaiah 58:11: “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”

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