then and now

Christianity, College, Jesus, missions, thankful, Uncategorized

A year ago today I was on an airplane beginning an adventure that ended up being so much more challenging, but yet so much sweeter than I ever thought it would be. It’s funny looking back at where I was a year ago and then seeing where I am now. I am not where I thought I would be, but it isn’t a terrible thing. Many of you, my friends and family, have been asking a lot of questions about where I am at in life now, so I wanted to fill you all in on that and what God is doing.

I finished my first year at Bethany Global University this May and wow, what a year it was. While being a student there, I learned so much about myself and also about the things the Lord has given me a love and passion for. Discovering these things brought up a lot of questions in my life about my calling and what I am to do with the gifts and passions the Lord has given me. He showed me more of His direction for me through friends and different circumstances that happened while being a student there. I left BGU with my head spinning with questions and things to think about for the future.

After leaving BGU, I jumped right into serving at a camp where God has done so much in my life during previous summers. While being there this summer, I was able to set aside time during out staff training to really pray about the things that were on my heart after leaving school. The Lord continued to lead me and guide me and gave me so much peace about the direction he was pointing me in.

So, August 20, 2018, I am sitting on my couch getting ready to begin this semester at home learning about ministry and leadership and eventually will hopefully pursue a career in counseling. Not going back to Minnesota is something I have wrestled with ever since making the decision to stay at home. But, the Lord has shown me so much about the freedom he gives us and that to be doing his work I do not have to be attending a “missionary college” or doing things with my life that seem radical and risk-taking to the world. All I have to do is follow him, even if that means living at home again and taking online classes. He has led me to this place, and I am excited to enter into this new season of life. I feel like this will be a season of growth and rest and my heart couldn’t be happier about that.

I can look back over this past school year and honestly say that I am so thankful the Lord led me to Minnesota. Without that step, I wouldn’t be here today with the sense of direction I have now about the calling the Lord has placed on my life. I am excited about the things the Lord has in store and to experience more of His goodness each and every day. I took a break from my blog because life got a little crazy with camp and school making decisions, but I am excited to share with you all this year the things God does. So, this year I am looking forward to many cups of coffee and many new things the Lord wants to show me. I pray that as I walk throughout this school year and share these things with you, you will be encouraged to fully step into what the Father is calling you to do. Even if it means doing something like sitting on the couch digging into all the things there are to learn about leadership, ministry, and counseling instead of going to Minnesota and then spending part of college doing ministry overseas.

The Lord’s goodness isn’t limited to a specific career. Everything is spiritual and matters for eternity. May we do what God has called us to do with joy and rest in the fact that he is at work in the midst of our days as a student, missionary, florist, doctor, or stay at home mom. He is in all of it and praise be that we get to be a part of it.

Thank goodness his goodness is the same now as it was then.

Much love- Haley Nicole

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